Monday, May 1, 2023

EOTO 2 reaction

    I learned so much through my peers while listening to them speak in their presentations. The presentation that really caught my eye was the one that spoke about propaganda. I have always heard about propaganda especially in classes like history but I did not realize how much propaganda is still used even in todays advanced world. 

Propaganda is defined as the dissemination of information such as facts, rumors, half truths and even lies in order to influence public opinion. They spoke about how in North Korea propaganda is used even today. There are posters all in and around the country of North Korea not only promoting the country in a friendly and positive way but also trying to influence the people to believe they are fighting for a good cause. These posters portray their leader Kim Jun Un as a god amongst men. North Koreans posters mainly highlight how great their military is while also promoting how great their leaders and government are. 

Living in the age of AI

    This video taught me so much no only about AI but the future of the world we are heading into. AI has the potential to take over the world one day and not many people are realizing it. It is beyond scary and is going unnoticed by the common person.

    I believe AI will be the future of our world and the only question remaining will be how long will it take for us to get there. I have pondered whether or not to switch my major from Strategic Communications to Sales because of Artificial Intelligence. AI can now write press releases which is what I wanted to do for a career one day. Another aspect of that major is marketing and now AI has the ability to generate photos if you describe what you want in the picture. It generates these photos in minutes and that plays a big role in the job of a marketer. Hopefully this new technology does not just take over careers but rather they are tools that can help people be more productive and successful in not only their lives but their jobs as well. 

    AI has the possibility for many great things as well. Some companies have already developed AI machines that work to help build things such as cars. It makes it much more cost effective and saves the companies a lot of money. These robots are also very effective and programmed to not only eliminate mistakes (human error) but also move at a much faster pace than a human working on that machine line would. The problem with these robots is the fact that they take away jobs from hard working people who need them to support themselves and their families. If there were not so many robots working to help build cars then many more people could be employed. 


EOTO 2 reaction

     I learned so much through my peers while listening to them speak in their presentations. The presentation that really caught my eye was...