Thursday, January 26, 2023

The Founding Era

I came into this assignment knowing little about the United States Supreme Court. In these videos I learned so much that I didn't know. The information about the three beck rock principles really interested me. I was shocked to learn that the first amendment right is not absolute. I always assumed that there are some exceptions in the first amendment. I grew up thinking and was taught that the first amendment right is non negotiable. The shank case was a perfect example of why the first law of bedrock was made. It also talks about how the first amendment does not protect violent actions either which makes complete sense. The example he used was protestors burning cars and buildings and that is why the first law of bedrock is so important because we have to remember there are exceptions. Thinking about it more I actually like the first bedrock principle because there are certain cases in which I believe people should be held accountable for what they say. I think it is rare cases but they do happen and we cannot overlook that. 

The second law of bedrock also puts things into perspective for me in the sense that I never thought about people claiming they can be allowed to do something illegal because it is in their religion. This law is just reenforcing equality basically saying that nobody is subject to break the law and they all apply to every single United States citizen. 

After watching these videos my ideas of the supreme court changed a lot. I used to think that it was kind of pointless and they had too much power. What they do though, is an important job and it keeps people in line/check. I believe that sometimes they make the wrong choices but nobody is perfect at the end of the day. 

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EOTO 2 reaction

     I learned so much through my peers while listening to them speak in their presentations. The presentation that really caught my eye was...