Thursday, April 27, 2023

Final Post My Relationship with Technology

     Technology is something that I use in my everyday life and it will impact myself and everybody for generations to come. I am a strategic communications major who want to work in the field of public relations later in life, therefore technology will be a vital part of my career. Writing press releases is all about assessing the current situation you are trying to promote or dig yourself out of and a big part of that is reading the media and articles about it. Whether that be videos, articles or blogs written it is important to view all sides of a situation and that is made much easier with technology. 

    My relationship with technology revolves entirely around media. Technology has allowed me to communicate with my peers from a very young age. Almost all of my communication is done through technology. The only other time I can think that I am communicating with somebody that is not through the use of technology is when i am having a normal conversation with somebody. The technology that I usually communicate through my peers with apps like Snapchat and iMessage. 

    The use of technology in terms of media consumption plays a huge role in my life as well. Consuming media in everyday life at least for me consists of apps like Instagram, Youtube and ESPN. People all around the world rely on the innovations and use of technology in order to find out news. Without technology it would take much longer for important news to reach everywhere but since a lot of the world has access to the internet we can all be informed of something simply by looking at our phone or the internet. 

    My digital footprint is almost non existent in terms of what you find when you search my name. All that comes up that is myself is my Instagram and LinkedIn accounts. Overall I believe I have a fine digital footprint. I do not think it is good but at the same time I do not believe it is something to worry about.

Artificial intelligence will play a big factor like it does today and years to come. It has already begun to take over manual jobs and I believe AI will continue to evolve and move forward. If we learn that AI is writing code for tech companies in a few years I will not be entirely shocked. Artificial Intelligence will continue to evolve and one day will take over most "normal" jobs. 


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EOTO 2 reaction

     I learned so much through my peers while listening to them speak in their presentations. The presentation that really caught my eye was...