Thursday, February 9, 2023

Anti war

  I am very anti war for many different reasons. This website provides many different and amazing insights in the discussion of war on a global scale and level. The website talks about many different wars from all around the world and goes very in depth with each article written. I believe that we never see anti-war news stories in the news because they do not generate views. If you think about it, news channels main goal is to not only get news out to the public but get the most amount of views possible. Nobody wants to watch or read an article that is anti war because that is not as interesting as reading or watching news about war. In terms of the common consumer they would much rather read and watch about issues going on in the world than a bunch of different countries coming to agreements whether that be a peace treaty or ceasefire clause. At the end of the day as humans we like when things are going bad for some reason and these news stations are going to put out stories that attract the most people and views. 

I also believe that the mainstream media is in favor of wars because of the opportunities presented when countries are fighting. War, although it is very bad in many aspects, can also create a lot of opportunities. War creates millions of jobs throughout the world and can right others countries wrongdoings. America has a tendency to get involved with some issues it maybe should not, which is a good and a bad thing. The only positive thing is that sometimes on a rare occasion we help people who are truly in need of help without causing too many issues or damages to the country. The issue is that America kind of has a history of doing too much damage in other countries. 

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