Wednesday, February 22, 2023

The printing press

    During our presentations of technology I had the pleasure of learning about the printing press and why it was so important/valuable in early forms of communication. We learned that in1436 Johannes Gutenberg began developing his own model for the printing press. Although he is not the inventor of the printing press he is given credit for making it better. The printing press was created to fill the existing demand for books. The printing press had many benefits. It made it possible for information traveled at light speed which was very important back then and even today. It helped a lot of people back then because writing was starting to become an actual job not just a hobby or skill that you get hired for.

    The printing press revolutionized the way of communication. Books and pieces of literature were able to be produced and spread much faster than before. Newspapers started to become popular due to the fact that they now could print so many so fast thus news would be spread all around the world more quickly and effectively. David McGuffin said "Because of the success of the printing press and related technologies, the sheer number of printed books in western Europe proliferated. Between the first printing press in 1440 and the turn of the century, the ability to print copies of books and texts had been established in more than 2,500 cities across the continent. As a result, more than 15 million books representing more than 30,000 titles were press printed by 1499. Universities and centres of learning began to develop at a rapid pace, also matching the spread of literacy throughout the continent." That just goes to show you the kind of impact it had. Just think to yourself how many more people were able to learn something new that benefitted them due to the invention of the printing press. 


Roos, Dave. “7 Ways the Printing Press Changed the World.”, A&E Television Networks, 28 Aug. 2019,,In%20the%2015th%20century%2C%20an%20innovation%20enabled%20people%20to%20share,and%20faster%20than%20ever%20before. 

McGuffin, David. “Advantages & Disadvantages of the Printing Press.” EHow UK, 14 July 2020,

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